Vespa made ​​chopper

Vespa motor is a motor made in Italy and two-wheeled vehicle has a unique body shape, so make vespa very popular with many people both from the old to teenagers. In Indonesia alone, the Vespa has been a community that very much. Community Vespa motorcycle lovers are scattered in various cities in Indonesia, many also touring activities undertaken by the community of Vespa.
Unique form sometimes makes Vespa motor hands modifier want to make changes on their Vespa. In early 2000, there was a trend to change the standard form of the Italian vehicle is a Vespa chopper. Modifications made Vespa chopper chopper bike because you want to look but with a little budget. In classification, modification Vespa chopper divided into two. First, the modification only to the Vespa motor body without changing the engine. Second, modification of the total change is also part of the machine.
In the hands of extreme flow modifier, they are not half-hearted in changing the look of the Vespa motor. Display the standard Vespa motor can be transformed to resemble the look of the car. Modifications vespa so this car is very complicated to do, because they have to calculate the dimensions of a form that will be generated. At Vespa modifications so the car has a few streams. The first stream is the flow of Vespa modifications to the Jeep. This flow makes the Vespa look like a dashing Jeep while driving. The second stream is the flow modification to sport cars. This flow change
nuanced Vespa like a sporty car.
There are several modifiers that choose not to change the body of the Vespa's unique and they choose to tamper with the machine. Modifications made to make the Vespa engine faster. There are also in the modification of these machines exist that alter the working principle of the Vespa motor.
The first Vespa motor using the combustion system 2 not converted into 4-stroke combustion system. However, the development of this modification is intended to drag race. Vespa Modification drag race engine components that have very much. Use of the modified engine components Vespa drag race to make the modification is very difficult.
All decisions ultimately depends on the owner of the Vespa motor. This is due to the owner of the Vespa motor is a person who has the authority to modify the start of the modification chopper Vespa, Vespa modification so cars, and modifications to the Vespa drag race.

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